Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Manchester NH to ME

Thanks to Dr.Benny (Ben Slavin and Amber) for their welcome to Man2 in New Hampshire. Had `a meal at Arrow Diner and quick beer and some advise about the best roads through NH and Maine Wide awake at 6 am again' Then a call from a Manchester NH radio station for a quick interview. Find Ben on advrider.com and buy his video about riding Mexico.

Took a few hours to sort out a US mobile phone and an internet dongle, but eventually in the pooring rain (again), got underway by 10am. I headed for Portsmouth aiming for the Route 1 coast road. Fantastic insight into this area, with Antique shops, Thrift Shops and every other store was a sea food restaurant. Clams, Lobsters, you name it. This is one occasion during my trip that I should have stopped, but to early for lunch, I carried on stopping at Bill Johnsons Antique Museum/shop.
Stepping back 100 years, I was entertained by Bill and his customers and signed his visitors book. Bill buys buildings.... yes whole buildings and ships them to his plot. Along with lots of collectables and old stuff, I enjoyed a half hour break and created` another warm memory.

In Man #3 Maine tonight. Not a lot to see here, so starting out towards Vermont tomorrow. Hope the rain stops....... please.

I have lots of video to send to Bike Torque TV once I get the hang of file downloads, but meanwhile see my video on facebook or youtube.

Early nite again. White Mountains tomorrow. 230 miles to do.

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