Sunday, 22 January 2012

January and the rain is falling

"You Engleesh, you are always talking about the weather".
A neighbour who came over from Hungary two years ago, mentioned during one of our early chats. He had done the esatern European thing, and moved here to make some decent money, educate his family and will probably move back once he has done just that.
"Wait and see, I replied".

This time last year we had a few feet of snow that froze solid and stayed till the middle of February. This year we have had nice sunny days, high winds, heavy rain,, and just a couple of frosts. It has been said that we do not get seasons here. Just weather. My neighbours who are used to hot summers, hard winters and real snow, have become 'locals' and the regular "Nice Day" greeting has become the norm.

One thing is certain, the 'weather' in the North west of England, does not lend itself to riding, and reports of a rider being blown into the path of an on coming truck is not surprizing. Thoughts go out to his family. He was just on his way to work.

Nothing else to report this week other than I am in the jobs market and seeking employemnt within the bike industry if at all possible.

Thanks for looking


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