Sunday, 6 March 2011

If ya gonna go by bike... start here

THE Motorcycle Travel website for everything you need to go travelling.

Go to Horizons Unlimited, the website that's all about motorcycle travel. Travellers Community, Bike Travel information on the Bulletin Board, free Monthly Motorcycle Travel E-zine, Travellers' Stories, and plenty of tips and info!

The HUBB of motorcycle travel no matter where you are in the world. If the answer to that question is not already on the site somewhere, you will soon get a reply from those in the know.


If one partakes in a little Twit or two, PLEASE follow the main man of motorcycle travel @sammanicom . (see previous post).


The 'producers' are still hinting at a March start, (End of). Thats it ! No more information at the moment. Sorry.

Out and about.

With a couple of spring rides last week (Settle and Cat & Fiddle), I am getting into the flow and stretching some of the muscles not used over the winter.

Despite joining the local gym to get fitter, I pulled my back out, and have been popping pills all week.

I am not sure if it was the gym, the rides or the 30kgs buckets of *Decopierre I was lifting last week, but by Sunday night, only a twinge.

*Decopierre my proper work (when I can get some).

Petrol may go up to £2 a litre.

Back in the day (when I were a lad), I can remember petrol going up to £1 a GALLON (4.454 ltrs). The shouts of despair, "No one will ever drive a car again".

"How dare they". Soon whiskey will be cheaper. (remember your length of plastic tube to drain some off ).

"Hey sonny I will swap my E-Type for your mini" (Actually, I was ask that very question, but insurance for a 17yr old in an E-Type..... don't ask).

Time for a bit of action from our truckers, and car drivers me thinks. It would never happen in France.

Rant over. MORE news as it happens, keep watching.

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